Why You Still Can't Lose Weight
So you've been following the diet, staying away from dairy, grains and sugar. You're tracking your food. You're eating in a window of time. You're taking your supplements. But you're still not seeing the results you've been hoping for. Whether you're striving for better health or weight loss; not getting what you've been working so hard for can be really frustrating.
The question of why aren't I feeling well yet? Or why aren't I loosing more weight? Emerges, and the answer is a complex one. You have to take it down to a cellular level and how, biologically speaking, your body has been made to respond to your environment. Whether it be an autoimmune disease or the metal in your mouth or your physical environment. You may not be seeing results, because your biology isn't letting you and a better combination of supplements and dietary changes need to found.
Weight Loss Resistance
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