Liver/Gallbladder Cleanse
Read carefully before starting!
most powerful life changing processes you can do to dramatically improve your body’s overall health.
Not only does cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improve the digestion of fats, which is the cornerstone of good health, but it may also help increase your energy level by helping to naturally balance your hormone levels, decrease allergy symptoms, and also may help to alleviate discomfort in your upper back and shoulder areas.
The liver is the workhorse of the body in charge of hundreds of different functions, as well as the main organ responsible for maintaining the body’s energy supply.
Connected with every part of the
body, the liver, filters, manufacturers, processes and supplies massive amounts of vital nutrients which feed approximately 70 to 100 trillion cells of the body.
The liver is also a powerful detoxifier.
It is responsible for filtering waste material from the blood, producing bile, as well as utilizing all incoming fluids and foods then breaking them down into energy producing nutrients. Working also as a recycling plant, the liver takes minerals from the blood, binds them to amino acids and other nutrients, which makes those chemicals alkaline. This balances the pH of the blood, which helps your body to stay alkaline.
At the same time, this wonderful chemical factory works to quickly remove drugs, chemicals and other harmful toxins. Rapid elimination is crucial because the disassembled byproducts can potentially damage the liver. By cleansing the liver, it works as a protective mechanism. If a toxin cannot be broken down properly, the body will store the toxin by encompassing it with fat, which eventually accumulates into a cluster and is stored on the body. This is one of the factors that lead to obesity.
The gallbladder is a pear shaped pouch that acts as a small reservoir and stores bile created in the liver. The gallbladder releases bile into the digestive tract to emulsify the oil that you eat. The bile releases an enzyme which breaks the oil apart. The enzymes create cholesterol, which in turn can be converted to Pregnenolone.
Pregnenolone is the master hormone to all hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and DHEA, etc. helping to balance out the hormone system.
Eating fat triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine. For many people, including children, the biliary tubing is already choked with gallstones.
There are so many conditions which can be attributed to gallstones. To name just a few:
Hormone deficiency, acid reflux, allergies, fatty liver, lung problems, kidney problems, digestive disorders, colitis, diverticulitis, gout and the list goes on.
Generally, when the gallbladder is X-rayed or scanned, gallstones will not show up because most stones are either too small or not yet calcified. This is a prerequisite for visibility on X-ray. Even if your gallbladder has been removed, your body will still produces gallstones and the gallbladder duct ends up becoming clogged, backing up bile into the liver. The same problem still exists only there is no longer a chamber to store the bile.
There are over a half a dozen varieties of gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals.
They can be yellow, black, red, white, green or tan colored. Many are embedded with unidentified objects. Typically, at the very center of each stone is a clump of bacteria.
According to scientists, this suggests a bit of a dead parasite might have started the stone to form. As the stones grow and become more numerous, the back pressure on the liver causes it to try to re-assimilate the bile, which leads to a buildup of cholesterol like material on the liver ducts (sometimes considered fatty liver), which then causes the liver to malfunction, throwing off our body’s natural processes.
Stomach infections, such as ulcers, and intestinal bloating cannot be resolved permanently without having a functional gallbladder.
CAUTION: Before beginning the liver cleanse, be certain that your kidneys and urinary tract are in top working condition so they can efficiently remove any undesirable substances incidentally absorbed from the intestine as the bile is being excreted. Call the office or your health practitioner for additional information if you are ill.
Liver Cleanse Ingredients:
Purchase from your Health Practitioner
1) Liver Detox 16 oz.
2) OxyCleanse
3) Paragone
4) Paragone E
Purchase from the grocery store
1) Fresh pink or red grapefruit (2 to 3)
2) Extra Virgin Olive Oil (At least 12 oz)
3) Lemons (1 or 2)
Do not take any medicines, vitamins, or pills that aren’t necessary.
Eat a low fat dinner the night before. Do not eat in the morning.
Your start time can be modified for your personal situation. Just follow the
the time intervals
ABOUT DRINKING WATER: You really should not drink any water at all, it could upset your stomach. If you must, you can sip water sparingly or suck on ice chips throughout the morning until 30 minutes before drinking the olive oil grapefruit mixture.
Eat an early lowfat dinner. Take OxyCleanse as directed 90 Minutes later
Eat a low fat dinner the night before. Do not eat in the morning.
Your start time can be modified for your personal situation. Just follow the
the time intervals
Night Before Take 2 tsp OxyCleanse
8:00 am Take 2 tsp OxyCleanse
8:45 am Take 6 oz. of Liver Detox
9:15 am Make Olive Oil/Grapefruit Mixture
9:30 am Drink Olive Oil/Grapefruit Mixture (8oz) and take
Paragone and Paragone E B
11:00 am Drink Olive Oil/Grapefruit Mixture (4oz)
12:30 pm Take 3 tsp OxyCleanse
2:30 pm Take Paragone A and Paragone E again
Congratulations! You finished a Gallbladder/liver flush!
ABOUT DRINKING WATER: You really should not drink any water at all, it could upset your stomach. If you must, you can sip water sparingly or suck on ice chips throughout the morning until 30 minutes before drinking the olive oil grapefruit mixture.
Eat an early lowfat dinner. Take OxyCleanse as directed 90 Minutes later
START TIME Take 2 teaspoons of Oxy Cleanse as directed – Mix 2 or 3 teaspoons to 6 oz water. Stir and drink
Immediately follow up with 1 oz of water mixed with the jucie of ½ lemon or lime.
Drink 6oz of Liver Detox.
30 MINUTES LATER (Preparation)
NOTE: If you are feeling queasy, you can start the olive oil/grapefruit procedure up to 15 minutes earlier. Drinking the mixture will help settle your stomach.
Be ready to lie down.
Prepare the Pink Grapefruit/Olive Oil mix Measure and pour 4 oz of olive oil into a pint jar.
Hand squeeze the grapefruit (1/2 cup is best or 4 oz), remove pulp and mix with the oil in the jar. Close the lid tightly and shake well until it becomes watery. Note: Only fresh grapefruit juice will blend properly with the oil.
Prepare VegiCaps. Add 15 drops of Paragone to one VegiCap (or whatever the cap will hold) and 15 drops of Paragone E to another VegiCap. Visit the bathroom a few more times, even if it makes you late for bed. (However, don’t be more than 10 minutes late!)
Swallow ParaClear capsules with the Pink Grapefruit/Olive Oil mixture. Do this while standing.
If you don't have VegiCaps then you can simply put the Paragone and the Paragone E directly into the grapefruit juice oil mixture. The oil easily covers the taste. This is how I do it.
But never take the paragone or paragone E straight into the mouth it is very hot!!!
If taste or consistency is a problem, drinking through a large plastic straw may help the grapefruitolive
oil mixture go down easier. Take it to your bedside if you like, but be sure to drink the mixture within
5 minutes (15 minutes if you are weak or elderly).
You might fail to pass stones if you don’t do this! The sooner you lie down, the more stones will pass.
As soon as you have consumed the entire drink, walk to your bed and lie down flat on your back with your head situated high on a pillow, head above torso. Lie perfectly still for at least 30 minutes.
You should remain laying down for at least 1 HOUR TOTAL.
If you have one available, you can place a hot water bottle on your liver to help break down gallstones.
For those with a fast metabolism, you may feel queasy from the bile your liver is producing. If you do feel nauseous, take an additional 2 ounces of Grapefruit and 2 oz Olive Oil mixture immediately, this should help.
If you are one who did not feel any nausea, consume the 2 oz Grapefruit/2 oz Olive Oil mixture 1 hour 30 minutes later. It is not necessary to keep lying down.
Take OxyCleanse as directed – Mix 3 teaspoons of OxyCleanse in 6 oz of water. Stir and drink.
Immediately follow up with 1 ounce of water mixed with fresh squeezed juice of half a lemon.
NOTE: If you feel queasy at any time, take an additional 2 oz Grapefruit/2 oz Olive Oil.
Prepare capsules and take Paragone A and Paragone E
Don't take any other nutritional supplements during the cleanse. You can take them 5 hours after you are done.
How Well Did You Do?
Use a flashlight to look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Look for green stones, because this is proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue. Bile from the liver are pea green stones. You might either have green gallstones or green sludge sludge/scum that floats. The sludge is liver debris and gallstones that have broken up. You may repeat this cleanse in 5 days. Try doing this 4 times in a row. Never do this cleanse when you are ill.
Congratulations! You have just
taken a huge step towards vibrant health!
If you are following the 11 day Detox Protocol, please refer back to the Protocol paperwork.

You will take the Oxy Cleanse 3 times during the cleanse here is how to do it:
Mix 2 or 3 teaspoons to 6 oz water. Stir and drink
Immediately follow up with 1 oz of water mixed with the juice of ½ lemon or lime.
If at ANY TIME after taking the Liver Detox product your stomach feels “queasy” as if you might want to vomit, drink 2 ounces of olive oil IMMEDIATELY.
The reason for the queasiness is that these products will start to move the bile and if there is not enough bile to excrete then your stomach will feel uneasy. Drinking the oil will liberate more bile and stop that feeling.
This effect could happen any time after you drink the liver detox product until the end of the flush.
This does not happen to most people, In my experience It occurs to about 1 in 15 people but you should be prepared.
If you get that queasy feeling drink the extra 2 ounces of oil immediately. Do not wait to see if it gets worse because you could go from the queasy feeling to vomiting very quickly.