What's Up With Soy?
You may have heard some conflicting information regarding soy. It is often hailed as a healthy source of protein. When in reality soy is extremely processed, and harmful to your health. Though soy can have some health benefits, the readily available soy products could be causing negative health effects.
The important distinction to be made is in the type of soy being consumed, either fermented or unfermented soy.

Fermented Soy
The positive aspects of Soy can only be obtained when it is fermented. Here are some sources of fermented soy.
- Natto- Fermented soybeans that become sticky and gooey with a strong, distinctive taste.
- Tempeh- A fermented soybean cake with a firm texture and nutty, mushroom-like flavor.
- Miso- A fermented soybean paste with a salty, buttery texture that's commonly used in making miso soup.

Fermented soy contains friendly bacteria that helps nourish the gut and digestive flora. This aids in digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Fermented soy is also high in vitamin K2. A nutrient that supports bone and cardiovascular health. Usually difficult to obtain.
Unfermented Soy
Unfermented soy is typically added to processed foods, because it is inexpensive and increases the protein content. Without you knowing it, you could be eating soy everyday or more regularly than is recommended. Unfermented soy is highly processed and it can impact your thyroid function, the regulation of estrogen, and it contains phytates that lead to a mineral deficiency.
As with anything else it is important to keep in mind quality and quantity. Eating fermented soy once or twice a month can be beneficial to your health. However, unfermented soy can be causing serious health deficiencies.