16 Hour Daily Fast

This is similar to the Modified Fast except that it is not calorie restricted.

  • Fast for 16-18 hours each day.
  • Skip breakfast
    • Drink Organic Coffee/Green (or other) Tea with 1 to 3 oz of MCT Oil
    • Good fat feeds and cools the brain
    • Stabilizes blood sugar levels
    • Helps burn fat.
  • Between 1 pm and 3 pm eat a light lunch of protein and high quality fat to keep energy steady.
  • Between 5pm and 9 pm consume high quality fat, protein, and healthy carbs (from veggies)
    • Important that you consume most of your daily calories during dinner time, if you don't eat enough your body remains in sympathetic mode. You will lose muscle and gain fat, because the body thinks you're starving and it needs more food to survive, so you hang on to every calorie.
    • Eat all of your food in a 6 to 8 hour time period. Try to do this at the same time every day. For instance, you can start at 12pm and end at 8 pm. Don't shift around by going from 9 am to 5 pm.

You can do this for a long period of time, even as a lifestyle. Or you can commit to doing it 2 days a week.

Still follow the guidelines in improving your diet for food choices. Try to avoid or eliminate:

    • Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt)
    • Sugar
    • Grains (wheat, rice, oats, and corn). If you can't avoid all grains begin by eliminating or limiting wheat and gluten, and work towards avoiding all other grains.